Random object positions
The function expects a square arena defined by `xlim` and `ylim` settings. The objects are placed randomly (uniform distribution sampling) into the arena. If `check_distance` is `TRUE`, the process is repeated until the minimum pairwise distance is met. `border_distance` specifies, whether objects should keep some initial distance from arena borders. This distance is not meant to be the bouncing distance, it helps to put objects more together in the beginning.
- n
Number of objects
- settings
Basic properties - namely `xlim`, `ylim`, possibly `min_distance`
- check_distance
Logical. The positions are generated until minimum pairwise distance of `min_distance` is met.
- border_distance
Distance from arena borders.
See also
for setting definitions,
for adjusting default settings,
for checking distances
# sample positions with no other requirements
pos <- generate_positions_random(8, default_settings())
# when starting positions should be further from borders
pos <- generate_positions_random(8, default_settings(), border_distance = 3)